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Official RGA - Aim 

Australia is a country which is heavily impacted, both negatively and positively, by the arrival of refugees from war torn third world countries. The idea of families fleeing countries by very treacherous means (homemade boats travelling across the ocean) just to be rejected by our government, has sparked the interest of our group. We are interested as to why a developed country like ours, which even has a line in our national anthem, "For those who fve come across the seas, we've boundless plains to share," can be so hostile to those in need from our surrounding global community. It is also interesting that our school has a large number of exchange programs to and from countries where there is a higher number of refugees than Australia, such as China and France.

As a group we intend to promote and raise awareness of the topical issue of refugees who are already within Australia, and those who intend to arrive in Australia. Our perception of it is often biased by the media and common misconceptions are often made, and we therefore want to raise awareness about the real reasons people are forced to flee their countries, and our responsibilities in Australia as a developed country.

We believe that social media and the internet is key to raising awareness and spreading information in our modern world. As a result,
our outcome revolves around this accessibility, by creating and
maintaining a Facebook page, Twitter account and website. Not only
will these be continuously updated to aid and maintain our progress in
discovering this topic, it will allow us to continue to expand even
after reaching our initial progress.


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